Words of Milarepa:
Work toward perfect awakening,
and Love others before yourself —
following Dharma.
Practice discipline
and remember your Spiritual goal
Khao Phansa Day is on the first day after the full moon of the sixth lunar month (this year is on
During Khao Phansa period monks should not venture out or spend the night in any other place except in cases of extreme emergency and, even then, their time away must not exceed seven consecutive nights. This is a time for contemplation and meditation for monk. The monk meditates more, studies more and teaches more. For Buddist Phansa is also customarily season for temporary ordinations. Young men enter the monkhood for spiritual training, to gain merit for themselves and their parents during this period.
Two main important things will present to monks during Khao Pansa are the candles and monks’ robe. The candles were essential in former times for both ceremonies and studying scriptures during night time. The large candles that are made and given to the temple to create illumination in the belief that such a gift will likewise illuminate the mind.
The presentation of monks’ robe is said to have originated during this period too. Lay people from
Not only local people presents the candle to monk, some province in the Northeast of Thailand especially Ubon Ratchathanee province
. In Ubon Ratchathanee, 629 km northeast of
e processing. On the days before the event, Isan (North East region of
At Sakonnakhorn province, the beautiful embellished beeswax candles were designed in different castle shapes. In this province, the wax castle celebration will start on the third day before the Khao Phansa will be over.
The wax castle procession will be organized and the religious ceremony will be on the last of Khao Phansa (Ok Phunsa day).
Heart Sutra Song - Japanese (Beethoven Symphony No.9 Melody)
Heart Sutra Song - English
Namah sarvajnaaya
Adoration to the Omniscience!
Aaryaavalokiteshvara-bodhisattvo gambhiiraayaam prajnaapaaramitaayaam caryaam caramaano vyavalokayati sma: panca skandhaah; taamshca svabhaava-shuunyaan pashyati smaIha Shaariputra ruupam shuunyataa shuunyataiva ruupam, ruupaan na prithak shuunyataa, shuunyataayaa na prithag ruupam, yad ruupam saa shuunyataa, yaa shuunyataa tad ruupam
Oh, Sariputra, Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form; Emptiness is no other than Form, and Form is no other than Emptiness ; that which is Form is Emptiness, and that which is Emptiness is Form
Evem eva vedanaa-samjnaa-samskaara-vijnaanaani.
So likewise, it is the same for feeling, conception (thoughts), mental construction (behavior) and consciousness.
Iha Shaariputra sarva-dharmaah shuunyataa-lakshanaa, anutpannaa, aniruddhaa, amalaa, na vimalaa, nonaa, na paripuurnaah.
Oh, Sariputra, all Dharma is fundamentally Emptiness; they are neither born nor death; they are neither impure nor pure, neither increase nor decrease.
Tasmaac Chaariputra shuunyaayaam na ruupam na vedanaa na samjnaa na samskaaraa na vijnaanaani.
Therefore, in the Emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no conception, no mental construction, no consciousness.
Na cakshuh-shrotra-ghraana-jihvaa-kaaya-manaamsi.
Neither is there eye, ear, nose, tongue, body nor thought.
Na ruupa-shabda-gandha-rasa-sprashtavya-dharmaah
There is no form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch and no dharma.
Na cakshurdhaatur yaavan na mano-vijnaana-dhaatuh.
There is no sight, until we come to no mind-consciousness,
Na vidyaa, naavidyaa, na vidyaa-kshayo, naavidyaa-kshayo, yaavan na jaraa-maranam na jaraamarana-kshayo, na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-maargaa, na jnaanam, na praaptir apraaptitvena
no wisdom, no ignorance, no cessation of wisdom, no cessation of ignorance, (beyond of wisdom and ignorance) until we come to no old age and death and no end to old age and death, (beyond old age and death) no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, (beyond of suffering) , no path, no wisdom and no attainment. Indeed there is nothing to be attained (beyond attainment and no attainment).
Bodhisattvasya prajnaapaaramitaam aashritya viharaty acittaavaranah. Cittaavarana-naastitvaad atrasto, viparyaasaatikraanto nishtha-nirvaanah.
Since the bodhisattvas have no attainment (beyond of attainment), by depending on the Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom), the bodhisattvas dwell without any mental obscurations. Because of the absence of mental obscurations, they have no fear; free from delusory thoughts, they transcend falsity and attain complete nirvana.
Tryadhva-vyavasthitaah sarvabuddhaah prajnaapaaramitaam aashrityaanuttaraam samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhaah.
All the buddhas of the three times (past, present and future) by means of prajnaparamita, fully awaken to anuttara samyaksambodhi—perfect enlightenment.
Tasmaaj jnaatavyo prajnaapaaramitaa-mahaamantro mahaavidyaa-mantro 'nuttara-mantro 'samasama-mantrah, sarvadukha-prashamanah, satyam amithyatvaat, prajnaapaaramitaayaam ukto mantrah
For this reason, knowing that the Great Mantra of the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom is the Great Wisdom Mantra, the Unsurpassed Mantra, and the Unequaled Mantra. It extinguishes all suffering, and is true and real because it is not false. It is the Mantra proclaimed in the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom.
"Tad yathaa gate gate paaragate paarasamgate bodhi svaaha"
Namely, "Gone, gone, gone to the other shore; Gone beyond to the other shore. Svaha."
Iti prajnaapaaramitaa-hridayam samaaptam.
Thus ends the Essence of the Transcendental Wisdom Sutra.
Note: I have done some editing to the translation.
We found this Sanskrit Heart Sutra Song in the You Tube. Hope you will enjoy it. I shall explain in my next article: "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form". The wisdom you can gain from these two statements from Heart Sutra will help you to increase your happiness and the possibility for you to get a wonderful good life.