Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meditation using Om Mani Pad Me Hung

Om Mani Padme Hung is the heart mantra of Avalokitesvara (Sanskrit), or Chenrezig (Tibetan) or Kuan Shi Yin / Kuan Yin (观世音/观音-Chinese) is most commonly chanted by the Tibetans or those practicing Tibetan Buddhism. For those Mahayanist Chinese Buddhists, they chant the name of Kuan Yin in this way: Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pu Satt.

Chenrezig/ Kuan Yin is the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas and Bodhisatvas. When we chant aloud or silently with our heart, we can invoke the blessings from Chenrezig/Kuan Yin.

When we visit Tibetan settlements around Dharamasala, in Northern India or around the Himalayan Regions, we shall see many Tibetans spinning the Mani Wheel (as shown in the picture). Tibetans believe in spinning the written form of the mantras around in a Mani wheel (or Prayer Wheel) have similar benefits as chanting them. In these Mani wheels, being small or big, contain thousands and thousands of the mantras written in papers. The papers are carefully joined and then rolled to take a round shape. They are inserted into the Mani Wheel. When the wheel is spinning in clockwise directions, it is called turning the Mani Wheel. There are also people doing chanting aloud or in silent while spinning the Mani wheels. The merits gained through these actions are then dedicated to the Enlightenment of all sentient beings and etc.

We can do this simple meditation by using these 6 syllables Mantra of Kuan Yin - OM MANI PAD ME HUNG ( 观音菩萨的心咒 – 六字真言 ) to develop our loving kindness and compassion based on a abbreviated translation of Metta Sutra given by the Buddha as follow;

First, with folded palms, you recite the following sutra silently or aloud.

Namo Buddha-ya, Namo Dharma-ya, Namo Sangha-ya ( 3X)
This is what should be done by those who aspire to be skilled in goodness,
and those who know the way to peace and tranquility:

1.1)May they be upright, straightforward and gentle in speech;
Humble and not be conceited.

1.2)Let no one deceive another or despise any being in any state,
Let none by anger nor hatred wishing harm to others,

1.3)Hatred cannot be overcome by hatred,
HATRED can only be overcome by LOVE.

1.4)May all beings be well and happy.

1.5)May they always be Calm and Peaceful, Wise and Skillful.

2.1)May they be easily satisfied, contented,
Not burdened by many things and duties in their livelihood.

2.2)May they neither be proud nor arrogant nor demanding,
May they never have desires and cravings.

2.3)May they never do anything that the Wise will reprove them later.
May they always feel grateful towards their mothers and fathers,teachers and masters.

2.4)May all beings be Well and Happy.

2.5)May all beings live in safety, free from fear, and be joyful.

3.1)May all beings far or near, seen or unseen, born or to be born,
Whether they are air born, water born, egg born or womb born,
Whether they are long or short, tall or short or small, weak or strong,
May all beings, without exception, be Well and Happy.

3.2)Like a mother who will go all out to save her own child
Even at the risk of her own life,
Even so, may all beings practice this Loving Kindness and Compassion.

3.3)So having a boundless Heart of Loving Kindness and Compassion,
One should Cherish all beings by radiating Kindness over all the World Systems.

3.4)While one is standing or sitting, walking or lying down, during all one's Waking Hours, May one remain mindful of this Heart and this Way of Living.
Thus it is said to be the “Most Noble Way 0f Living”.

3.5)Unattached to speculations, views and free from all cravings and sense desires,
These Pure Hearted ones, with clear mind, will never take Rebirth in Samsara again.”

Om Mani Padme Hung, Om Mani Padme Hung, Om Mani Padme Hung………….
At this point you begin to recite “Om Mani Pad Me Hung” silently or aloud. You can recite it as many times as you can. If you wish to do the following visualization while reciting the mantra, you may do so.
First, you visualize 6 colored lights (white, green, yellow, blue, red, dark blue) issue from your heart as you are chanting the mantra silently, or in whispering tone. The lights together with the mantras radiate out far and wide into the space in ten directions into ten thousands world systems. You think that all beings seen or unseen, far or near are blessed by the mantra.
When you have finished, you dedicate sincerely all the merits (福) gained for the Enlightenment of all sentient beings. Dedication is important because it makes our merits (福) gained to be limitless. And always remember the following words of the Buddha:

“So with a boundless Heart of loving kindness and compassion,
One should Cherish all beings by radiating kindness over all the world systems.

While one is standing or sitting, walking or lying down, during all one's waking hours, May one remain Mindful of this Heart and this Way of Living,
And thus it is said to be the ‘‘Most Noble Way of Living.”

I hope, each and every one of us shall take the advice of the Buddha and practice this Loving Kindness and Compassion. This is what our world needed most in order for it to have a ever lasting peace. The destiny of our world lies in the hands of everyone of us. So you can do a small part to make our world a better place to live by spreading this Metta Sutra to your loves ones, friends, neighbors, office, schools, colleges, universities etc. In the words of the Buddha, “The Gift of Dharma excels all other Gifts” Tashi Delek! 吉祥如意!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Zambala Prayer (Wealth Deity Prayer)


In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a diety called Zambala. Zambala is considered a wealth diety. The following is the translation of prayer which was extracted from the Barchey Kunsel Treasure of Chokgyur Lingpa called Lama Norlha, by Dazang Rinpoche and put in English by Pema Kunsang, June 1984.

Lama Norlha Padmasambhava - Zambhala Prayer

Dogu chog tsol ngodrub ter / Tsasum kundu yishin nor
Guru pema sambhava / Rigshi gonpo dzam bhala
Nordag nojin jigten kyong / Jewa samgyi mi khyab pey
Kyilkhor lha tsog thamchey la / Chag tsal choto solwa deb
Jingyi lobshig barchey sol / Ngodrub tsol chig longcho pel
Tendir shug shig trinley dzo / Khordey kungyi leg tsog dang
Nokyi getsen chukyi yang / Lha mi lu dang nojin gyi
Zeynor rinchen jorpey trin / Changshey tadang kangshi chug
Lotog zudang tsi shing men / Tshering neymey trashi pal
Cho dang rigkyi gyu dzin sog / Dorna sizhi phuntshog kun
Beypa meypar wangdu du / Dzaymey chuwoi gyuntar pel
Chi sam yizhin drubpa dang / Trashi dekyi denpar dzo

Bestower of supreme needs, giver of accomplishments,
Embodiment of all the three roots, wishfulfilling jewel,
Lotus Born Master,
Zambhala lords of the four families,
Wealth lords, yakshas, protectors of the world,
In an inconceivable amount of millions,
To this whole assembly of mandala deities,
I prostrate, offer, praise, and supplicate.
Please bless me and clear away obstacles.
Please bestow the siddhis and increase wealth.
While seated here, please fulfill the activities.
All what is excellent of both samsara and nirvana,
The goodness of the world, the prosperity of the beings,
Of gods, humans, nagas, and yakshas,
The foods, wealth, jewels, and a cloud of enjoyments,
All-knowing horses and four-legged cattle,
Crops, grains, herbs, plants and medicines,
Long lifespan, no illness, auspiciousness and splendor,
Lineage holders of both dharma and family, and so forth,
In short, all what is perfect of samsara and nirvana,
Make it effortlessly mastered,
Increase it like the inexhaustible flow of a river,
Make whatever I wish be fulfilled,
And let there be auspicious happiness!

Om hung tram hrih ah dzambhala dzalendraye soha
Sarva yaksha basupati lokapala tsitta bring bring dzah
Sarva basu siddhi du du puting kuru soha

Zambala is the embodiment of all buddhas and bodhisatva wealth essence. We practise zambala to help ourselves to increase our wealth essence that can be transform into opportunities to practise dharma besides gaining wealth. In fact, I believe that to be rich is easier than to gain liberation within a lifetime. We can see around us many rich people all over the world, the millionaires and the billionaires. But it is very rare to find many people gain liberation within one lifetime. This is like the stars shining in the sky in day time.

We need a lot of merits (福) for practising dharma, and getting teachings and instructions from authentic masters. To gain realisation and liberation, we need more merits (福). As one of my masters put it, “ We need patience to practice dharma. But to have patience, we need merits.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

13. Om Mani Pad Me Hung - My personal episode

The King of Tibet, Lha Thothori Nyantsen who built the “Yumbu Lagang” received the Mantra “ OM MANI PAD ME HUNG”. He received it in a mysterious way. One day,while he was sitting in the "Yumbu Lagang" contemplating deeply how to help his citizens to live a happier life, a small box containing the Mantra - Om Mani Pad Me Hung - suddenly appeared in his hand. Then a voice from the sky told him that a king, born 5 generations later than him would understand the meaning of the Mantra.

King Songtsen Gampo was the king born 5 generations after King Lha Thothori Nyatsen. Through the sincere effort of King Songtsen Gampo, the profound meaning of Om Mani Pad Me Hung was well understood and being propagated throughout Tibet. Until today we can see the tremendous effect of this mantra being woven into the life of every Tibetan.

OM MANI PAD ME HUNG is the mantra of Chenrezig (观音–Kuan Yin). It is believed by the Tibetan that chanting the Mantra “Om mani pad me hung “aloud or silently bring tremendous benefits to oneself and others as a whole. I have personal experiences of receiving tremendous blessings from Chenrezig ( Kuan Yin ) after practicing meditation with this mantra. I shall relate one of the many good experiences of blessings from Kuan Yin.

In 1985, a Rinpoche (Tibetan Lama) visited my home town. I related to the Rinpoche a dream I had in the previous night. “I dreamt that there was a fierce green dragon residing in the lake 0f my home town. This dragon originated from South China Sea long time ago. Because of sinking many ships and killing many people in South China Sea, Kuan Yin decided to subdue this dragon and put it into this lake in my home town.” So Rinpoche suggested to me to place a Naga Vase into this lake, and I should be the one to put the vase. I knew that this lake (Merdeka Lake at Bukit Pasir of Batu Pahat town) was not safe to swim because many people had died in this lake. Hence, I brought along with me a rubber tube.

Rinpoche was doing puja at the side of the lake. I went towards the lake taking the Naga Vase with me. I swam alone with the rubber tube to the middle of the lake. I dived into the bottom of the lake and placed the vase there. I floated up. The rubber tube was a short distance away from me. I swam towards it but it started to move away from me. So I swam harder trying to grab the tube. However much I tried, I could not grab it. After a while, I was out of breath. I tried to call for help but I had no strength left. I felt my four limbs weakened and softened. They seemed like separating from my body. I slowly sank down. My mind was blacking out. Nobody came to help me as they do not know what had happened.

I thought, “This is the end of my life……” and somehow I chanted in my mind “Om mani pad me hung

Suddenly my hands and legs straightened out! I shot up to the surface of the water like a rocket, and surfaced right in front of the rubber tube! I grabbed the tube, breathing heavily. “Ah, I’m saved now.” A miracle had happened. Kuan Yin had saved my life!