In the previous article, I mentioned the correct way to gain "福" or Merit Accumulation. Here, we shall analyze how those actions, which are defined as “Merit Accumulations” or increasing of our "福" –the essence of positive energy- are made possible.
For example, when we buy a Buddha statue and consecrate it. We put it on the shrine. We do some offerings such as flowers, lamps, fruits and etc, this action brings us “福". When we offer food or anything to a member of Sangha, this gives us the merit accumulations in return. We offer to print or help to print Dharma books, these are actions to increase Merit Accumulation. But are these actions mentioned, same as actions of trying to buy "福"? Some people may think so, because in both circumstances, we have to spend money on them. We do this to gain "福”.
However, for Merit Accumulations or gaining "福”, we have to be sincere with right motivation. When we offer to Buddha, the action itself signifies appreciation of Buddha’s Teachings and Buddha’s Activity etc., and we should bear these in our mind. Whenever we do offerings to Sangha and Dharma, we do it with correct motivations. In this way, we are creating positive energy through positive action. When we appreciate the Buddha, we are appreciating the activity of benefiting others, appreciating the teachings which will give us wisdom and freedom from ignorance, and also motivating ourselves to become like Buddhas to benefit others. Hence, those actions are not only for ourselves, but bear a great significance of benefiting all sentient beings. As the result of that, those actions can generate much essence of positive energy -"福” - to oneself and others. That is the difference from the action of buying Lucky Charm Items, which is mostly intend for benefiting oneself only.
In Buddhist practice, we sincerely dedicate all our merits gained to the Enlightenment of all sentient beings. This action brings great benefit to others and oneself. Dedication of merit is just like dropping a spoonful of water into the ocean. A spoonful of water will dry up in a few days. But when this spoonful of water is dropped into the ocean, the amount of this spoonful of water will never dry up.
When we do positive action, we accumulate "福”. Offering to The Triple Gems- Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, is a positive action, which will generate positive energy as described above. When our positive energy ("福”) increased, it combines with effort, skilful means, right timing etc, to be transformed into whatever form of things we need. It is necessary to have lots of "福” for our wishes to come true. In short, our wish to have a good life will come true.